1/14/2009 9:56 AM Hi Chia Pei, The flyers did not get delivered last night. As a result, the tree work was delayed and Sal and others had to go door to door this morning asking residents to move cars. What happened? -Gaxxxx |
1/14/2009 10:29 AM Hi, I didn't see any flyers in RA box last night. Where were they? Chiapei |
1/14/2009 10:59 AM They were sitting on the front desk with a note on them. In the future, remember almost always there are flyers on Tuesdays. If they aren't in the box, it is because they didn't fit. If you can't find them, call me. It has been a regular practice to leave flyers on the front desk and must have not happened before on your shift. -Gaxxxx |
1/14/2009 11:18 AM Hi, I did check Meg's desk last night but didn't see any flyer. I know there should be flyers on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. But since the office has started sending e-flyers recently, I think it's normal if I didn't get flyers last night just as I didn't get any last Sunday. I'm willing to make up for my possible carelessness if you need any help. Chiapei |
1. 我昨天晚上的確有查看過辦公室的桌上,的確沒看到任何傳單要發(瞎了嗎),回家以後還一蹦一跳地向老公報備:今天只有發幾封信而已,很輕鬆。那些傳單到底見鬼了放在哪裡我到現在也想不通。
2. 最好是今天早上要施工你昨天晚上才做了傳單叫我發啦!就算我發了,就不信有多少人會看及時看到這份傳單。你們還是得挨家挨戶敲門啦,少敲幾戶而已。
3. 「Sal and others had to go door to door this morning asking residents to move cars」好辛苦哦哦哦,door to door 呢呢呢!你們現在才發現我們舍監一天到晚整個社區 door to door 走來走去很辛苦是嗎?
4. 原來你們也知道傳單日是每週二五日啊?那為什麼以前週一三四也常常有莫名奇妙的臨時傳單或信件愛來就來呢?
5. 「If they aren't in the box, it is because they didn't fit. If you can't find them, call me.」那就留個字條啊,每天愛發不發都隨辦公室高興,舍監是你們肚子裡的迴蟲嗎?傳單隨便到處亂放還怪我沒看到咧!
6. 最近辦公室莫名奇妙自顧自地把紙本傳單改成電子傳單(之前我們建議很多次都被辦公室用各種理由搪塞說辦不到,現在又忽然可以辦到了)。改成電子傳單也不是壞事,但事先也不和大家(住戶及舍監)說清楚,那我怎麼知道今天到底有沒有傳單要發咧?
1. 現在辦公室的新規矩是每週二發紙本傳單、每週五發電子傳單、週日是否有傳單視情況而定,所以週二是必定有傳單的。我說,哎唷有這個新規定我都不知道耶~~ 他說,欸對啊我們還沒機會向你們解釋新規定...靠!
2. 我問他今天早上到底是哪一區施工?他說100和800兩區,我說這兩區上禮拜已經發過通知要挪車啦,他說上次施工沒有完成這次是臨時的。靠!
3. 我再請問紙本傳單改成電子傳單有向住戶說明過嗎?他說這個也還沒。我追問說目前每戶只有登記承租的那個人會收到電子傳單,以我家為例就只有冠夫收到、我不會收到,這對一般住戶來說也會有困擾。他說哦你說的對,我們應該來討論這件事,請記得把這個議題帶到下次會議(翻譯:It's not my business. I don't care.)靠靠靠!