- Nov 30 Sun 2003 12:47
中橫單車行 part II. 出發
看完日出,遊覽車將我們載到大禹嶺,大家分批組裝單車吃早餐。一直不停打哆嗦大概讓我們消耗了不少熱量,雖然只是白吐司夾果醬花生醬鮪魚醬,照樣吃得津津有味。我還在這兒買了副手套,把十個指頭都包起來 -- 單車手套實在太凍啦!
- Nov 30 Sun 2003 12:47
中橫單車行 part I. 天寒地凍
- Nov 03 Mon 2003 12:45
Make it better!
"Do what you want to do, and make it better."
- Sep 24 Wed 2003 13:28
The historical time of 6:08 on 2002.8.10 ends an era while begins a new one. The day in which we make computer with only foreign CPUs is gone with the wind of the morning of 2002.8.10. With tears and joys, we announce the successful running of LINUX (Kernel 2.4.17) with the Godson-1A CPU. The great ecstasy at this moment makes all of our exhausting efforts of the past year be over paid. Though this is only a little step of a long march, it indicates the glorious future of our own CPU.
- Sep 10 Wed 2003 13:23
Photoshop 教學網站.
最近迷上 Apple 的透明水晶按鈕,想要學著做些小裝飾,於是上網找教學網站。
- Aug 29 Fri 2003 13:17
【轉錄】People Management