(現在式.過去式.未來式) x (簡單式.進行式.完成式) = 9 種基本時態。以下是大雜燴練習題。
Peggy 教得非常仔細詳盡,不同時態造成的細微差別都講解得很清楚。雖然這些時態我國中就學過了,但是很多根本沒用過、也不知道怎麼用(例如過去完成式)。現在再仔細學一遍,糾正了許多從前模糊不清的概念,頗有恍然大悟的感覺。原來大部份的文法也是很有邏輯道理的,不是死記的。
"Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?"
"I ________ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight."
A. make B. will make C. am going to make D. will have made
"Could someone help me lift the lawnmower into the pickup truck?"
"I'm not busy now. I ________ you!"
A. help B. will help C. am going to help D. am helping
I don't feel good. I ________ home from work tomorrow.
A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed
If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ________ anymore.
A. doesn't exist B. isn't going to exist C. isn't existing D. won't be existing
Homestead High School's football team ________ a championship until last season, when the new coach led them to take first place in their league.
A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won
It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros (犀牛). They ______ extinct.
A. became B. have become C. become D. are becoming
"May I speak to Dr. Paine, please?"
"I'm sorry, he _________ a patient at the moment. Can I help you?"
A. is seeing B. sees C. has been seeing D. was seeing
"I once saw a turtle that had wings. The turtle flew into the air to catch insects."
"Stop kidding. I ________ you!"
A. don't believe B. am not believing C. didn't believe D. wasn't believing
At one time, huge prehistoric reptiles dominated the earth. The Age of Dinosaurs ________ much longer than the present Age of Mammals has lasted to date.
A. lasted B. was lasting C. has lasted D. had lasted
By the time the young birds ________ the nest for good (永久地), they will have learned how to fly.
A. will leave B. will have left C. are leaving D. leave
After I graduate with a B.A. next year, I ________ to enter graduate school and work for an M.A.
A. will intend B. am going to intend C. intend D. am intending
Can you believe it? Our grammar teacher has been teaching for nearly 20 years. By the end of this semester she ________ more than 3,000 students from 42 different countries.
A. will have been teaching B. will have taught C. teaches D. will teach
I ________ in my money for a subscription to your magazine two month ago, but I haven't received any issues till now.
A. send B. sent C. have sent D. was sending
Sonia ________ to spike a ball (撲球) when she collided with another player and twisted her back.
A. tried B. has tried C. was trying D. had tried
Look! It is beginning to rain. Unfortunately, I don't have my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He ________ a raincoat.
A. wears B. is wearing
================ 解答 ======================
1. C.
→ 表示計畫,用 be going to,不用 will。[back]
2. B.
→ 表達意願的時候,只用 will 而不用 be going to。[back]
3. A.
→ 如果是未來計畫要做的事,可用現在進行式表未來。這題如果有 will stay 的選項當然也會是正確的,只是四個選項中的其它三個都完全不適用,所以選了 am staying。 [back]
4. B.
→ 這裡要用未來式,但不能選 D. 因為 exist 這個動詞沒有進行式。[back]
5. D.
→ "the new coach led them"是過去式,而在這之前都沒拿過冠軍,所以要用過去完成式。[back]
6. D.
→ 現在進行式表示『正在逐漸消失』,此題由語意得知應選D。若選 B(現在完成式)表示已經絕種了,就不可能 against the law 因為根本就獵不到啦。[back]
7. A.
→ "see" 當做『看』的意思時,沒有進行式(例如 I see a flower 永遠不能說 I'm seeing a flower)但是當做『看醫生』『接待』的時候,可以使用進行式。
(此類動詞有十幾個,必需硬記而熟練成自然。例如 have 當做『擁有』解釋時亦無進行式,永遠不能說『I'm having a book』但是在 "have a good time" 此種片語中,就可以說 I'm having a good time)[back]
8. A.
→ believe 沒有進行式。[back]
9. A.
→ 恐龍時代發生在過去,而且已經結束了,所以用過去式。
10. D.
→ 在表示時間的副詞子句中,要用現在式表示未來(不可用未來式)。例如,I will go back to my country when I get my degree. 不可以說 I will go back to my country when I will get my degree.[back]
11. C.
→ 此句應用未來式,但是 "intend" 這個字沒有未來式(或者說它本身就隱含未來意義),『我想要...』本來就是指未來要如何,所以不說 "will intent"。[back]
12. B.
→ 這學期還沒結束,所以此處指的是未來,『到那時她將已經如何』要用未來完成式。雖然 A 的文法(未來完成進行式)也沒錯,但是語意上不佳。若原題改成 By the end of this semester, she _________ for 20 years. 這樣就可以選 A 或 B 都正確。可是原題是 teach student,have been teaching students 聽起來像是毫無間斷地一個接一個學生地教導,所以 have been teaching more than 3,000 students 自然是不可能的!)[back]
13. B.
→ 此題的關鍵在 "two months ago"。因為有明確說出發生時間,所以用過去式。否則就得用現在完成式:I have sent in my money for a subscription to your magazine. 這樣表示我已經付了錢,什麼時候付的不重要,但反正已經付了。[back]
14. C.
→ 因為 Sonia 是正在撲球時與別人相撞,所以用過去進行式。
可不可以只用過去式呢?不行!因為在 when.... 句型中,若主要子句和從屬子句的動詞時態一致,則 when 子句述說的事件先發生,然後才是主要子句述說的事件。例如:When it rained, I ran into the bookstore. 表示先下雨我才跑去書店(從屬子句在前或主要子句在前都是同樣意思:I ran into the bookstore when it rained. 仍然是先下雨我才跑去書店。這兩種寫法只有標點符號稍有不同,意思完全相同。)
如果 when... 句型中的前後子句時態不同,則根據時態判斷何者為先。例如 John had slept when I got home. 則是約翰先睡了我才回到家。例如:What were you doing when you heard the burglar? 和 What did you do when you heard the burglar? 是完全不同的意思,前者是問發現小偷時你正在做什麼,後者是問發現小偷之後你做了什麼?
回頭看題目,此題若選 A(過去式)則與題意不合:Sonia 並不是先和人家相撞才去撲球的!
15. B.
→ 因為 Tom 不是一直穿著雨衣。簡單現在式必需是某個『過去如此、現在如此、未來也如此』的事情,如果只是暫時的動作就用現在進行式。
類似的例子還有:John is in my English class. He is studying English this semester.
Peggy 教得非常仔細詳盡,不同時態造成的細微差別都講解得很清楚。雖然這些時態我國中就學過了,但是很多根本沒用過、也不知道怎麼用(例如過去完成式)。現在再仔細學一遍,糾正了許多從前模糊不清的概念,頗有恍然大悟的感覺。原來大部份的文法也是很有邏輯道理的,不是死記的。
"Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?"
"I ________ a delicious dessert for dinner tonight."
A. make B. will make C. am going to make D. will have made
"Could someone help me lift the lawnmower into the pickup truck?"
"I'm not busy now. I ________ you!"
A. help B. will help C. am going to help D. am helping
I don't feel good. I ________ home from work tomorrow.
A. am staying B. stay C. will have stayed D. stayed
If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ________ anymore.
A. doesn't exist B. isn't going to exist C. isn't existing D. won't be existing
Homestead High School's football team ________ a championship until last season, when the new coach led them to take first place in their league.
A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won
It's against the law to kill the black rhinoceros (犀牛). They ______ extinct.
A. became B. have become C. become D. are becoming
"May I speak to Dr. Paine, please?"
"I'm sorry, he _________ a patient at the moment. Can I help you?"
A. is seeing B. sees C. has been seeing D. was seeing
"I once saw a turtle that had wings. The turtle flew into the air to catch insects."
"Stop kidding. I ________ you!"
A. don't believe B. am not believing C. didn't believe D. wasn't believing
At one time, huge prehistoric reptiles dominated the earth. The Age of Dinosaurs ________ much longer than the present Age of Mammals has lasted to date.
A. lasted B. was lasting C. has lasted D. had lasted
By the time the young birds ________ the nest for good (永久地), they will have learned how to fly.
A. will leave B. will have left C. are leaving D. leave
After I graduate with a B.A. next year, I ________ to enter graduate school and work for an M.A.
A. will intend B. am going to intend C. intend D. am intending
Can you believe it? Our grammar teacher has been teaching for nearly 20 years. By the end of this semester she ________ more than 3,000 students from 42 different countries.
A. will have been teaching B. will have taught C. teaches D. will teach
I ________ in my money for a subscription to your magazine two month ago, but I haven't received any issues till now.
A. send B. sent C. have sent D. was sending
Sonia ________ to spike a ball (撲球) when she collided with another player and twisted her back.
A. tried B. has tried C. was trying D. had tried
Look! It is beginning to rain. Unfortunately, I don't have my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He ________ a raincoat.
A. wears B. is wearing
================ 解答 ======================
1. C.
→ 表示計畫,用 be going to,不用 will。[back]
2. B.
→ 表達意願的時候,只用 will 而不用 be going to。[back]
3. A.
→ 如果是未來計畫要做的事,可用現在進行式表未來。這題如果有 will stay 的選項當然也會是正確的,只是四個選項中的其它三個都完全不適用,所以選了 am staying。 [back]
4. B.
→ 這裡要用未來式,但不能選 D. 因為 exist 這個動詞沒有進行式。[back]
5. D.
→ "the new coach led them"是過去式,而在這之前都沒拿過冠軍,所以要用過去完成式。[back]
6. D.
→ 現在進行式表示『正在逐漸消失』,此題由語意得知應選D。若選 B(現在完成式)表示已經絕種了,就不可能 against the law 因為根本就獵不到啦。[back]
7. A.
→ "see" 當做『看』的意思時,沒有進行式(例如 I see a flower 永遠不能說 I'm seeing a flower)但是當做『看醫生』『接待』的時候,可以使用進行式。
(此類動詞有十幾個,必需硬記而熟練成自然。例如 have 當做『擁有』解釋時亦無進行式,永遠不能說『I'm having a book』但是在 "have a good time" 此種片語中,就可以說 I'm having a good time)[back]
8. A.
→ believe 沒有進行式。[back]
9. A.
→ 恐龍時代發生在過去,而且已經結束了,所以用過去式。
10. D.
→ 在表示時間的副詞子句中,要用現在式表示未來(不可用未來式)。例如,I will go back to my country when I get my degree. 不可以說 I will go back to my country when I will get my degree.[back]
11. C.
→ 此句應用未來式,但是 "intend" 這個字沒有未來式(或者說它本身就隱含未來意義),『我想要...』本來就是指未來要如何,所以不說 "will intent"。[back]
12. B.
→ 這學期還沒結束,所以此處指的是未來,『到那時她將已經如何』要用未來完成式。雖然 A 的文法(未來完成進行式)也沒錯,但是語意上不佳。若原題改成 By the end of this semester, she _________ for 20 years. 這樣就可以選 A 或 B 都正確。可是原題是 teach student,have been teaching students 聽起來像是毫無間斷地一個接一個學生地教導,所以 have been teaching more than 3,000 students 自然是不可能的!)[back]
13. B.
→ 此題的關鍵在 "two months ago"。因為有明確說出發生時間,所以用過去式。否則就得用現在完成式:I have sent in my money for a subscription to your magazine. 這樣表示我已經付了錢,什麼時候付的不重要,但反正已經付了。[back]
14. C.
→ 因為 Sonia 是正在撲球時與別人相撞,所以用過去進行式。
可不可以只用過去式呢?不行!因為在 when.... 句型中,若主要子句和從屬子句的動詞時態一致,則 when 子句述說的事件先發生,然後才是主要子句述說的事件。例如:When it rained, I ran into the bookstore. 表示先下雨我才跑去書店(從屬子句在前或主要子句在前都是同樣意思:I ran into the bookstore when it rained. 仍然是先下雨我才跑去書店。這兩種寫法只有標點符號稍有不同,意思完全相同。)
如果 when... 句型中的前後子句時態不同,則根據時態判斷何者為先。例如 John had slept when I got home. 則是約翰先睡了我才回到家。例如:What were you doing when you heard the burglar? 和 What did you do when you heard the burglar? 是完全不同的意思,前者是問發現小偷時你正在做什麼,後者是問發現小偷之後你做了什麼?
回頭看題目,此題若選 A(過去式)則與題意不合:Sonia 並不是先和人家相撞才去撲球的!
15. B.
→ 因為 Tom 不是一直穿著雨衣。簡單現在式必需是某個『過去如此、現在如此、未來也如此』的事情,如果只是暫時的動作就用現在進行式。
類似的例子還有:John is in my English class. He is studying English this semester.